5:00 PM17:00

Empow(her) Encounter

These nights are spiritually charged and are focused on bringing women together to empower them in what they have been called to do and who they are called to be!

I love to see God show up and move in a powerful and authentic way each time we make space and room in our hearts.

Don’t miss this night! We will have a special guest speaker, Access Worship, tons of amazing vendors and of course delicious food! Mark your calendar now!

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6:00 PM18:00

Empow(her) REACH

REACH out. REACH in.

Reach out and invite a friend. Reach inward and allow the Holy Spirit to convict, challenge and change you!

These nights will be spiritually impactful as we dig into God’s Word related to the theme of the year, going deeper in the things of God.

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to Jul 26



Experience an extraordinary 3-day Christian, family friendly event like no other.

ENGAGE 2025 is happening in Tyrone, PA from July 24th-26th. This event has something for everyone. There will be many phenomenal Christian artists and speakers lined up to inspire and uplift you. Hope you’ll join me there!

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6:00 PM18:00

Empow(her) REACH

REACH out. REACH in.

Reach out and invite a friend. Reach inward and allow the Holy Spirit to convict, challenge and change you!

These nights will be spiritually impactful as we dig into God’s Word related to the theme of the year, going deeper in the things of God.

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6:00 PM18:00

Empow(her) REACH

REACH out. REACH in.

Reach out and invite a friend. Reach inward and allow the Holy Spirit to convict, challenge and change you!

These nights will be spiritually impactful as we dig into God’s Word related to the theme of the year, going deeper in the things of God.

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to May 19

Daughter of the King

Join Empow(her) Ministries as we pack up and head to the Poconos for a women’s conference led by Revivalist Marsha Mansour. Our ministry partners Eloy and Stephanie Martinez will be leading us in worship.

This is bound to be a life changing weekend away! I know when you go with expectations, the Lord meets you there and then exceeds all expectations.

Register today at Daughter of the King Women's Conference Registration - I hope to see you there!

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5:45 PM17:45

Empow(her) Encounter- defined.

You don’t want to miss Empow(her) Ministries next Encounter night!

This year we are unpacking the word defined. What does it mean to truly be defined by the Lord and His Word? What would our preferred life look like if we were only defined by Him?

I will be sharing a word from the Word as we gather to worship and be empowered from on High after a time of empowering women in what they’ve been called to do. Bring your extra spending money as we will have some incredible vendors to shop. Also come hungry- lots of good food to share with your girlfriends! Doors open at 5:45pm!

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to Mar 19

A Mission to India

  • Google Calendar ICS

Our team is headed back to minister to the incredible and precious people of northern India!

We will be serving at a rescue ministry and in the slums- providing supplies but most importantly showing them the love of Jesus! There will be multiple gospel outreach meetings, and we’ll have the opportunity to lay hands on the sick to see them recover!

Please cover us in prayer as we GO to the nations.

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to Feb 18

Pastors Wives and Women in Ministry Retreat

  • Google Calendar ICS

Looking forward to a beautiful time of refreshing for pastors wives and women in ministry as we look to God’s Word and study Ministry and Margins. This is a retreat for those who are a part of the Mid-Atlantic Nazarene District.

3 days of connection and a time of being sharpened as we come together! Hope to see you there!

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Grace Prep Chapel
11:30 AM11:30

Grace Prep Chapel

Grace Prep High School is a solid, Biblically-based, Christian school local to State College. They have 40 points of belief, and point number three states, “Point of Grace #3: We believe that developing an intelligent faith and intimate friendship with Jesus will create lifelong fulfillment.”

One of the ways they help to foster an intimate friendship with Jesus is through their weekly chapel service. One moment with Jesus can change everything!

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5:45 PM17:45

Empow(her) Encounter- State College


Empow(her) Ministries of Access Church will be bringing you the next Encounter Night on Friday, April 29th, 2022.

Have you caught it yet?! Nope, not talking about the **vid!

Hebrews 12:29 says, “for our God is a consuming fire!” The fire of God has many purposes! Let’s be consumed by Him in 2022!

Vendors and appetizers to start the evening followed by a powerful service. Bring your friends! See you there!

Location: 3601 S. Atherton St., State College, PA 16801

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8:00 AM08:00

Arise Conference- Pittsburgh

ARISE Conferences are designed to encourage, educate, equip, and empower women to RISE above their circumstances and walk in the fullness of whom they were created to be. ARISE Conferences are designed to be intimate gatherings where women of all ages and walks of life have the ability to connect, build up one another and minister to each other. You won’t want to miss this fun, power packed conference!

I am looking forward to joining a number of other guest speakers as we speak on “You have been brought to the Kingdom for such a time as this.” Esther 4:14

Check out more details at https://beyondsurvivalministries.org/event/arise-womens-conference-2022/

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to Feb 19


Beyond Survival Ministries, a ministry founded and directed by Sue Willis, will be coming to Access Church to train those interested in ministering to people who have sexual abuse in their past. The training is called A Time To Heal Beyond Survival. A Time to Heal Beyond Survival Leader Training will equip you to lead, teach and facilitate small-groups that offer hope, healing and restoration to victims who have suffered the trauma of rape, sexual abuse or were a victim of sex trafficking; as well as other issues of abuse. You can check out registration info at https://beyondsurvivalministries.org/events/

The training is Friday, February 18th from 9a-4p and Saturday, February 19th from 9a-4p. The training will be held at State College Access Church, 3601 S. Atherton Street, State College, PA 16801.

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9:00 AM09:00

Rewind | By Empow(her) Ministries


Finding your way BACK to the Father's love.

Our guest speaker for the day is Cher Stupar, mother to 5. Cher is an incredibly compassionate, God-fearing and loving woman of God whose love for Jesus shines from the inside out! Her desire to see moms not only succeed in their calling as mother but also know the Father's love as they walk in that call is strong. The Lord has given Cher a message to share with us, so make sure you register but also bring your mom friends! Did I mention there will be giveaways, goodie bags, amazing food and most importantly time to be ministered to as a mom?! We all need "pit stops" in our journey as a mom. Let this day be a refueling pit stop for you physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

"I will be a Father to you, and you will be my daughters, says the Lord Almighty."
2 Corinthians 6:18

Click here to register.

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to Oct 2

Bold and Brave: Empow(her) Encounter Conference


Empow(her) Ministries invites you to a weekend of empowerment for women. Join us for a dynamic message from guest speaker, Pastor Joie Miller, powerful worship, appetizers, a coffee bar and more!

BOLD & BRAVE in your walk!

SATURDAY, OCT 2ND | 9:00-11:30AM
BOLD & BRAVE in your worship!


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6:00 PM18:00

Lioness Arising


Empow(her) ministries of Access Church is hosting another women’s event and marketplace. Join us for an evening of appetizers, shopping with local vendors, worship and an empowering message for women. Bring a friend! Can't wait to see you there!

Worship by: Stephanie and Eloy Martinez
Message by: Ashley McDonald

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9:00 AM09:00



I will be speaking at a breakout session at the Arise Women’s Conference on March 6th in Houston, PA.

“ARISE Conferences are designed to encourage, educate, equip, and empower women to RISE above their circumstances and walk in the fullness of whom they were created to be. ARISE Conferences are designed to be intimate gatherings where women of all ages and walks of life have the ability to connect, build up one another and minister to each other. You won’t want to miss this fun, power packed conference!”

Visit https://beyondsurvivalministries.org/event/arise2021/ for more information.

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